Animal Necessity is celebrating our 10 year anniversary! Our dedication and passion to help animals of all shapes and sizes drives us to be a part of many organizations and activities all throughout the world. From research to beach cleanups, we do whatever it takes to help make a positive impact on animals everywhere.

Scroll down or use the menu below to check out what we've been up to!

Research    Coastal Steward    Reef Restoration    Go Green!    Orca Awareness

Number of research programs that we're involved in using our products and ingredients found in them.
Number of studies that have been completed over the past 10 years.

Great morning for Coastal Steward's beach cleanup in Biscayne National Park!! More then 50 volunteers showed up to help us reach our goal of cleaning one ton of trash off the beaches at Elliot Key!

#beachcleanup #biscaynepark coastalsteward #oneocean #animalnecessity #beaches

View Coastal Steward Florida Chapter on Facebook

Florida key corals such as Staghorn (Acropora cervicornis) and Elkhorn (Acropora palmata) are facing local extinction from various environmental stressors.

The Coral Restoration Foundation is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to creating off-shore nurseries and restoration programs for threatened coral species. These "home grown" corals are successfully raised and outplanted at reef sites.

Here Joe and Jo (co-founders of Animal Necessity) spent the day getting their coral restoration certification planting new corals in Key Largo. We welcome all to join this amazing association so our children will be able to see the beautiful natural corals in the future.

"My favorite part," said Dr. Johanna Mejia-Fava, "was after we outplanted one of the new corals, a few reef fish came and started to eat from it, it was amazing to see this."

Here are some Animal Necessity tips on ways to go green with your animals:
  • Have your pets spayed or neutered. Pet overpopulation is a major tax on the community and environment.
  • Ditch the dryer: When bathing your dog, instead of using a blow dryer, towel dry your wet pooch instead to reduce energy use.
  • Pick up after your pets and use biodegradable products. Cut back on paper products: To pick up pet messes, use old rags that can be thrown in the wash instead of using paper towels.
  • Don't buy toys and clothes for your pets that are vinyl, nylon, or plastic. Compost their poop.
  • Tag your pet!
  • It might be a stretch to call inserting an electronic ID chip into your pet an eco-friendly move, but losing your buddy causes extreme emotional distress that turns you into nobody's friend. Then there's the paper waste from printing out Missing posters, the fuel cost of driving around your neighborhood trying to find them. For hanging tags, check out these recyclable (and recycled) aluminium ID tags and these WaggTaggs made from recycled silver.
  • Make friends with vinegar: For pet accidents on the carpet, soak the stain in 50% vinegar and 50% water, then dab it with a rag. You can also use baking soda to eliminate any powerful leftover odors. Use natural pet-care and cleaning products.
  • Use Eco-friendly cat litter: A good pine litter is environmentally friendly and better for your cat's health and respiratory system than mined mineral litters. Examples of these litters are Unconditional, ExquisiCat, and Feline Pine.

Camille Meehan is an artist from the Pacific Northwest making an effort to increase public awareness of the endangered Southern Resident Orcas by creating adorable orca birth announcements.

While performing the customary function of a birth announcement, ala "It's a girl!" the announcements also serve to educate the population on the challenges facing the population as a whole. Some of the biggest problems the orcas face are pollution and starvation.

What can you do to help? Work to keep ocean waters clean by not dumping medications, food scraps or garbage down the drain and by washing your car at the car wash not in the driveway. Always do your best to reduce, reuse and recycle to limit the amount of trash in the sea. Use natural yard care techniques and reduce pesticide and fertilizer use as that can drain from your yard into the waterways and kill off the foundation of the orcas' food pyramid.

Help keep the new baby orcas fed by supporting your local Salmon habitat reconstruction organizations. Finally, please consider a contribution to the Center for Whale Research an organization dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident Orca. Together we can save these beautiful and intelligent animals.

You can read more on Orca Awareness Month on Camille's website.