Zoo & Aquarium Skin & Coat Care

Imuno-2865® (45 ct)

Imuno-2865® contains a sourced mixture of hemi-cellulose plant-based ingredients that support the immune system and enhance the immune response.

SHaNa Vet™ (Capsules) (45ct)

SHaNa Vet™ is a blend of extracts, amino acids, and components that are normally found in healthy skin.

Imuno-2865® (500 ct)

Imuno-2865® contains a sourced mixture of hemi-cellulose plant-based ingredients that support the immune system and enhance the immune response.

SHaNa Vet™ (Cream)

SHaNa Vet™ is a blend of natural phytowax and botanical extracts with amino acids and vitamins consistently found in healthy skin.

SHaNa Vet™ (Capsules) (500ct)

SHaNa Vet is a blend of phytowax, botanical extracts, amino acids and components normally found in healthy skin and keratin.

Omega-3 Max

Omega 3 max helps promote healthy skin and hair coat, supports balanced behavior, cardiovascular function, and joint mobility.