Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C<sup>®</sup>
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Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C<sup>®</sup> thumbnail
Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C<sup>®</sup> thumbnail

Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C®

  • Supports a healthy immune system with normal cell growth and turnover
  • Potent antioxidant
  • Promotes health of heart, liver, and brain
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60 Capsules per Bottle     //     Product Code: NN209     //     Price For US Customers Only.
  • General Info
  • For Veterinarians
  • Ingredients

Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C® supports a healthy immune system, protects cells from damage due to stress, and supports normal fat metabolism. Pureway-C® is proven in humans to be more rapidly absorbed than other forms of vitamin C.

Special Note: The suggested dose and dosing frequency will vary depending on species. Additionally, animals sensitive to plant allergens may react to this supplement. For information, please contact Animal Necessity Veterinary Consultants or call us at 1-800-721-1310.

Pinebark Extract with Pureway-C® promotes the functioning of a healthy immune system.


Pureway-C® is a special form of vitamin C that is more rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, with greater cellular uptake and circulating plasma concentrations, when compared to ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, and other forms of vitamin C supplementation. The beneficial effects of vitamin C are enhanced with improved absorption, including, support of healthy cell growth and turnover and promotion of a healthy immune response with strong antioxidant activity to scavenge free-radicals.1

Citrus bioflavonoid complex (50% total bioflavonoids (25mg))

Bioflavonoids from citrus peel are phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties, help support a normal immune system, and promote normal lipid metabolism and circulating concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides.2

Pine bark extract (Pinus maritimus, std. for 75% proanthocyanidins(1875 mcg))

Pine bark is a flavonoid that is a potent antioxidant providing cardiovascular support and enhanced cognitive function, as well as a healthy immune system.3,4

PomElla pomegranate extract (Punica gradnatum; fruit; std. for minimum 30% Punicalagins (3mg) and maximum 5% Ellagic acid (0.5mg))

Pomegranate has a variety of phytochemical properties and has several benefit health effects, including well-established antioxidant effects, cardiovascular support, normal maintenance of cell growth and a healthy immune system, and lipid metabolism support with maintenance of circulating concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides.5

Quercetin dihydrate (Dimorphandra gardeniaria fam. Leguminosaeseeds)

Quercetin is a flavonol that occurs in plant-derived foods like apples, berries, and Brassica vegetables and helps support normal lipid metabolism, cardiovascular health, and a strong immune system.

XanthosteenTM mangosteen extract (Garcinia mangostana; peel; std. for 20% polyphenols (2mg), 15% total xanthones (1.5mg), and 10% alphia-mangostin (1mg))

Mangosteen extract maintains a healthy immune system with normal bacterial flora.


1. Weeks BS and Perez PP. A novel vitamin C preparation enhances neurite formation and fibroblast adhesion and reduces xenobiotic-induced T-cell hyperactivation. Med Sci Monit. 2007; 13(3): BR51-58.

2. Bok S, Lee S, Park Y, et al. Plasma and hepatic cholesterol and hepatic activities of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase and acyl CoA: Cholesterol transferase are lower in rats fed citrus peel extract or a mixture of citrus bioflavonoids. J Nutrition. 1999; 129: 1182-5.

3. Packer L, Rimbach G, and Virgili F. Antioxidant activity and biologic properties of a procyanidin-rich extract from pine (Pinus maritima) bark, pycnogenol. Free Rad Biol Med. 1999; 27(5/6): 704-24.

4. Youdim KA, Spencer JP, Schroeter H, et al. Dietary flavonoids as potential neuroprotectants. Biol Chem. 2002; 383(3-4): 503-519.

5. Viuda-Martos M, Fernandez-Lopez J, and Perez-Alvarez JA. Pomegranate and its many functional components as related to human health: A review. Compreh Rev Food Sci Food Safety. 2010; 9: 635-654.

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Capsules Per Bottle: 60
Active Ingredients Amount Per Serving
Vitamin C (from PureWay-C® proprietary formulation of ascorbic acid USP combined with lipid metabolites (fatty acids) from vegetable waxes) 500 mg
Citrus bioflavonoid Complex [50% total bioflavonoids (25 mg)] 50 mg
Pine bark extract (Pinus maritimus) (bark) [std. for 75% proanthocyanidins (1875 mcg)] 2500 mcg
PomElla® pomegranate extract (Punica granatum) (fruit) [std. for minimum 30% Punicalagins (3 mg) and maximum 5% Ellagic Acid (0.5mg)] 10 mg
Quercetin (as dihydrate) (Dimorphandra gardeniaria Fam. Leguminosae) (seeds) 25 mg
Xanthosteen™ Mangosteen Extract (Garcinia mangostana) (peel) [std. for 20% Polyphenols (2 mg), 15% Total Xanthones (1.5 mg), and 10% Alpha-Mangostin (1 mg)] 10 mg