Wholesale / Reseller Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in registering for an Animal Necessity Wholesale / Reseller account! Please fill out the all of the fields below. It will generally take up to 5 business days to review your submission and process your request. After submitting, we will be in touch about next steps.

First Name
Last Name
How did you hear about Animal Necessity?
If Another Website or Other, please list below. If Conference/Event, please let us know which one.
Company Information
Vet / Doctor / Business License Number
Tax ID
Physical Address
Do you have a DUNS numbers?
Do you have a BBB rating? Or link to you BBB page?
Additional Information
Do you have a retail store? If so, how many locations? Please describe the type of store?
Why do you want to purchase Animal Necessity products?
If selling online how will you be selling our products online? Personal website? Amazon? Ebay? Etc. Please be specific and list all outlets that you will use.
Please give us all the company names and websites where you will be selling our products. If you are selling via Amazon please provide your store name and merchant ID.
Please provide business license number(s) and what state(s) this license is active?
Please list at least 3 referrals, preferably other manufacturers you deal with and their contact information.